Organic pomegranate juice (NFC)

pomegranate juice – NFC

Iran – Export

Export of Iranian pomegranate juice – NFC – Organically certified

Saveh Anar Company is one of the leading NFC manufacturers, specialising in their creation of a variety of fruit based beverage solutions. NFC stands for ‘Not From Concentrate’, and aims to use the least amount of processing to conserve as much of the original character of the raw fruit as possible, with only the pulp, skin and seeds being removed

As an NFC producer, creates juice made directly from fresh fruits and vegetables using mechanical processing and pressure. NFC manufacturers must ensure that the fruits used for production are ripe, carefully selected and washed thoroughly. The fruits are then pressed with pneumatic presses, to extract the juice and then package it. This process will often occur in a sterile environment to aid storage and shelf life. As a result, the NFC producer will pasteurise the juice at a hot temperature in order to remove any harmful bacteria, however this is not a requirement for NFC juices

Juice concentrate is juice from which the water has been extracted and is generally frozen. Two main differences between NFC and ‘From Concentrate’ juices are that juices from concentrate have a far greater shelf life, however they do not come ready to drink, and need to be mixed with water to prepare them. When producing concentrated drinks, the process is similar to that of an NFC juice, with the added step of extracting the water from the juice

Not only is Saveh Anar Company a producer of NFC drinks, but they also have a range of fruit based beverage solutions

How to order the product

You can order it online if you are connected to the internet
You can visit the head office directly and in person
If you can’t find the two methods above, you can order your product by phone

Contact Saveh Anar Trading Group

Business Manager: Khademzadeh

Mobile: +989128551801

Mobile: +989025557259

WhatsApp: +989128551801

WhatsApp: +989025557259

Office Number: +988642234115


Office Address: SAVEH,  IRAN

Iranian pomegranate juice

Organically certified – NFC

Iran – Export

Export of Iranian pomegranate juice – NFC

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